5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a No code Agency Near You

To avoid terminations, delays, and unsatisfactory outcomes & unlock the key to successful no-code apps. Explore these 5 vital questions founders ask before selecting no-code agencies.
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Top 10 no-code app builders for 2024: Create apps without coding. Simplify development process


Building a no-code app can still be a challenging task for existing businesses and startups looking for new and innovative ways to kickstart or streamline their operations and increase efficiency. 

While no-code apps often require a deep understanding of no-code app builders and their capabilities, a no-code agency serves as the bridge that helps businesses to cross this gap.

If you are considering hiring a no-code agency for your next project, there are five key questions you should ask to ensure that you are getting the right support for your needs. But first, 

What are these no-code agencies?

No code agencies are web design companies that specialize in creating custom software solutions with little or without traditional coding. 

These agencies, like Nerdheadz, use visual development platforms and pre-built software components to build software applications, making them an increasingly popular option for businesses that need custom software solutions.

No code agencies offer services such as 

  • software development, 
  • consulting, and 
  • training to help clients optimize their software solutions. 

Most no-code agencies work with small and medium-sized businesses as well as startup founders that have limited budgets for software development by working on automated workflows, streamlining internal operations, and improving business processes. 

No code agencies are a cost-effective and efficient way to develop custom software applications.

Want to find out the cost estimation of building an idea or project you have? Reach out to Nerdheadz here

What are no-code apps?

No-code apps are software applications that are built without traditional coding and are often used by small and medium-sized businesses, as well as individuals, who need custom software solutions, such as web apps and mobile apps but do not have the budget or resources to build them from scratch.

Some Popular Apps Built Using No-Code App Builders


A picture showing airbnb as a popular no code app
Did you know? AirBnB MVP was a no-code app!

In 2007, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, the founders of Airbnb, had a business idea to rent out air mattresses in their apartment during a design conference. 

To test their concept, they created a no-code MVP and used Craigslist, which allowed them to post listings for other people's apartments and direct interested renters to the Airbnb website to complete the booking. 

With this simple no-code MVP, they were able to test their idea and prove that there was a demand for their service.

The success of Airbnb's early no-code MVP highlights the power of no-code tools in quickly and efficiently testing business ideas before investing time and resources. 

No-code apps enable entrepreneurs to build simple prototypes or MVPs without the need for traditional coding skills, allowing them to validate their ideas and gain early feedback from users. This can help reduce the risk and uncertainty of launching a new product or service.

Today, there are many no-code platforms available, such as

  • Bubble.io, 
  • Flutterflow
  • Appgyver
  • Glide and 
  • Adalo.

(Related: Easy for Newbies: The 10 Best No-Code App Builders in 2023

These tools allow anyone to build simple apps without coding and have made it easier than ever for entrepreneurs to create MVPs, test their ideas, and bring new products to market. 

The story of Airbnb's early success with a no-code MVP is a testament to the power of no-code tools in enabling innovation and entrepreneurship.


A picture showing lyft app, powered by bubble.io
Lyft is powered by Bubble.io

Lyft, the popular ride-hailing app, was built using Bubble.io, which is Nerdheadz’ choice of no-code app builder.

The founders of Lyft,  Logan Green and John Zimmer created a basic app that allowed users to request rides and drivers to accept them without writing a single line of code. 

The success of the no-code app allowed them to validate their concept and gain early traction with users before rebuilding the app using traditional coding methods. 

Lyft building its no-code MVP is a good example of how no-code tools can be used to quickly create and test business ideas without technical expertise.

Other Popular No-code Apps Built on Bubble.io Include 

  • Hubspot
  • Zendesk
  • Rappi
  • Veed.io
  • Vmware and many others

Want to find out the cost estimation of building an idea or project you have? Reach out to Nerdheadz here

5 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A No-code Agency

A picture showing a man asking questions before hiring a no-code agency

Following the standards and examples of projects like Airbnb, Lyft, TheRoomScout and HubSpot as earlier stated, here are five questions that we believe a startup founder or business should ask and try to find answers to, before hiring a no-code web design agency:

1. What is the scope of the project, and what are the tools required to complete it?

2. Are there any existing templates or designs that can be used to speed up the development process?

3. How much experience does the no-code web design agency have with similar projects?

4. What is the expected timeline for the project, and what are the milestones?

5. What is the budget for the project, and how does the cost of hiring a no-code web design agency compare to the estimated cost of a no-code developer?

Question 1. What is the scope of the project, and which tools are required to complete it?

Before hiring a no-code web design agency, it's essential to define the scope of the project and determine which tools will be required to complete it.

For example, if you need a website with eCommerce functions, you'll need to ensure that the no-code platform used by the agency or developer supports this. 

It's also important to clarify the project's requirements, such as 

  • the number of pages, 
  • Required design elements, and 
  • Integrations with other systems.

To ensure that the selected agency or developer has the necessary expertise and tools to deliver the desired result.

Question 2. Are there any existing templates or designs that can be used to speed up the development process?

One advantage of using no-code app builders is the availability of pre-built templates and designs that can be customized to meet specific needs. 

Before hiring a no-code web design agency or no-code developer, it's worth asking if they have any existing templates or designs that could be used to speed up the development process. 

If you’re testing an idea,  this can save time and money while still delivering a high-quality MVP. 

It's important to note however, that custom designs may be required for some projects, especially if your project has a unique branding and complex requirements.

Related: The 5 Best Bubble.io Templates For Your 2023 No-Code Project

Question 3. How much experience does the no-code web design agency have with similar projects?

Experience is a critical factor to consider when choosing a no-code web design agency or no-code developer. 

Before hiring, ask about their experience with similar projects and request examples of their work. This will give you an idea of their expertise and ability to deliver the desired result. 

Additionally, it's worth asking for references from previous clients to get an idea of the quality of their work and their professionalism.

Related: How to choose a web design agency in 2023

Question 4. What is the expected timeline for the project, and what are the milestones?

Setting clear project timelines and milestones is essential for ensuring that the project stays on track and is completed within the desired timeframe. 

Before hiring a no-code web design agency, share your expected timeline and ask about their expected timeline for the project and any milestones that will be set along the way. 

This will help you manage expectations and ensure that everyone is aligned on the project's progress.

Question 5. What is the budget for the project, and how does it compare to the estimated cost of hiring a no-code developer?

Budget is a crucial consideration when choosing between a no-code web design agency or a no-code developer. 

Before hiring, ask for an estimated cost for the project and compare this to the budget that you have available.

It's also worth considering the long-term costs of 

  • Maintenance
  • App support, and 
  • Ongoing fees associated with the no-code app builder of choice. 

Related: How to Choose a web design agency in 2023

When To Hire A No Code Bubble.io Agency vs A Bubble.io Freelancer

A picture showing when to hire an agency or freelancer for web design
Bubble.io Freelancer VS Bubble.io Agency - Which one should you choose?

Usually, most business owners assume it is cheaper to hire a no-code developer compared to hiring a team or a no-code agency, however, here are three instances and situations where you will find it better to hire a Bubble.io no-code agency than to hire a Bubble.io no-code freelancer:

Complex Projects: 

If you have a complex project that requires expertise in multiple areas, such as design, development, and integrations, a no-code agency may be a better option than a freelancer. 

A no-code agency provides a team of experts with diverse skill sets who can work together to tackle the project's complexities. 

For example, if you're building an e-commerce site with advanced payment processing and inventory management, a no-code agency can provide a team of designers and developers with experience in these areas.

Large-Scale Projects: 

If you have a large-scale project that requires significant resources and manpower, a no-code agency may be a better option than a freelancer. 

An agency can provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to handle large projects with multiple deliverables, such as custom software development or a complex web application. 

For example, if you're building a custom CRM system for your business with a range of features and integrations, a no-code agency can provide the necessary resources to handle the project.

Ongoing Support:

If you require ongoing support for your Bubble.io project, a no-code agency may be a better option than a freelancer. 

A no-code agency can provide a dedicated team to handle ongoing maintenance and updates, as well as support in case of any issues that may arise. 

For example, if you're building a custom marketplace platform that requires ongoing updates and maintenance, a no-code agency can provide the necessary support to ensure the platform runs with no downtime and meets your business needs.

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Frequently asked questions

What should I consider when choosing a No-code agency near me?

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When choosing a No-code agency near you, consider factors such as their experience with similar projects, client testimonials, portfolio of completed work, expertise in your industry or niche, and their ability to meet project timelines and budgets.

How can I assess the expertise of a No-code agency?

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Assess the expertise of a No-code agency by reviewing their case studies, asking about their team’s certifications and training in No-code platforms like Bubble.io or Adalo, inquiring about their approach to user experience design and app scalability, and requesting references from past clients.

What questions should I ask during the initial consultation with a No-code agency?

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During the initial consultation, ask questions such as how they handle project communication and updates, their process for handling revisions and feedback, how they ensure app security and data privacy, their approach to quality assurance and testing, and how they support clients post-launch.

How important is communication with a No-code agency during the project?

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Communication with a No-code agency is crucial for project success. Clear and regular communication ensures alignment on project goals, timelines, and expectations, facilitates feedback loops for iterative improvements, and helps resolve any issues or concerns promptly to keep the project on track.