8 Easy Steps To Build An App Without Coding - 2024 Guide

Unlock 8 easy steps for building no-code web and mobile apps. Discover the Nerdheadz process for building successful no-code projects and the key differentiators among no-code platforms.
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Top 10 no-code app builders for 2024: Create apps without coding. Simplify development process

Build an App Without Coding - Introduction

For a beginner or founder, building an app without coding may seem like a strenuous task,

However, with continuous advancements in technology, several tools and platforms have been made available that allow non-technical users to create functional and attractive apps without writing code. 

In this article, we’ll cover eight ways to build an app without coding, platforms that enable no-code app building and unpopular ways to build apps without writing a single line of code. 

However, the first question to ask is:

What are no-code apps?

No-code apps are web or mobile applications built and deployed without the need for traditional programming or writing code. 

Most no-code apps are created using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop tools, and pre-built components, thus making app development accessible to individuals with limited or no-coding skills and no prior technical knowledge. 

With the no-code development market projected to reach $45.5 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.0% between 2020 and 2025,

Some prominent use cases of no-code apps include: 

No-code apps, attributing their production to consistent advancement in technology, are used in various industries and scenarios.

1. Business Process Automation: 

No-code web and mobile applications allow businesses to automate repetitive tasks, streamline their workflows, and enhance operational efficiency for relatively lesser costs to custom code apps.

Some Nerdheadz clients using no-code apps for their process automation include: 

2. Internal Tools and Dashboards: 

With no-code development, non-technical employees can create customized internal tools, dashboards, and data visualizations to support their day-to-day work and business decision-making processes.

3. Prototyping and MVP Development: 

No-code tools enable rapid prototyping and development of Minimum Viable Products (MVP), which allows entrepreneurs and startups to validate their ideas quickly and cost-efficiently.

Take a tour of the MVP built by Nerdheadz for a web3 real estate marketplace

4. Content Management Systems: 

No-code platforms offer easy-to-use content management systems (CMS) that enable non-technical users and founders to build and manage websites, blogs, and e-commerce stores without coding.

5. Citizen Development: 

No-code apps empower citizen developers- a new set of developers- within organizations to create departmental applications, reducing complete reliance on IT departments thus fostering and removing friction in innovation.

6. Data Collection and Reporting: 

No-code apps simplify the process of data collection, analysis, and reporting by providing pre-built forms, integrations with databases, and data visualization components.

5 Reasons Why Your Startup Business Should Go The No-code Route

A picture showing reasons why a startup should use no code development route
Startups! Embrace No-Code

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the ability to adapt and innovate quickly is paramount to your business or startup’s success. 

As technology continues to advance at an astonishing pace, leveraging the power of app development has become an essential strategy for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve. 

However, the traditional notion of coding as a prerequisite for app creation limits many organizations, which causes delays, induces increased costs, and forces reliance on specialized expertise.

But with no-code app development platforms, the barriers to entry for creating custom apps have been dismantled. 

These innovative tools provide intuitive interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built components that allow anyone, regardless of technical expertise, to design and launch powerful applications.

Here are five reasons why your business or startup should seriously consider embracing the no-code revolution:

1. Faster Time to Market: 

By eliminating the complexities of custom coding, no-code app development accelerates the entire application development lifecycle. 

With shorter development cycles, you can quickly seize market opportunities and respond swiftly to evolving customer demands.

2. Cost Savings and Resource Optimization: 

Traditional app development can be cost-inefficient, requiring extensive coding skills and dedicated development teams. 

However, no-code platforms significantly reduce the financial burden by enabling your existing workforce to build applications, eliminating the need for hiring expensive external resources.

3. Democratizing App Development: 

No-code app building empowers individuals across your organization, from business analysts to subject matter experts, to actively participate in the app development process. 

This democratization of development not only encourages and hastens innovation but also creates a culture of cross-functional collaboration.

Related: Easy For Newbies 10 best no-code app builders in 2023.

4. Iterative Experimentation and Prototyping: 

With no code, you can rapidly prototype and iterate on your app ideas, experimenting with different designs, functionalities, and user experiences. 

This iterative approach allows you to get valuable user feedback and ensures that your final product meets customer expectations.

5. Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency: 

By leveraging no-code platforms, your team can streamline processes, automate repetitive tasks, and build tailored apps to address specific operational needs. 

This efficiency allows your workforce to focus on higher-value activities, driving productivity and innovation throughout your organization.

How To Build Your Mobile & Web App Without Coding in 8 Easy Ways

A picture showing 8 different ways to use no-code for your business
8 Ways To Use No-Code For Your Business

Building an app without writing any codes 

and the learning curve of the platforms that enable no-code development can be a daunting task, especially for a newbie 

However, with advancements in technology, several tools and platforms encourage the creation of functional and attractive apps with simple drag-and-drop interfaces. 

Below we have listed several tools and platforms that give you and other non-technical users the capacity to build successful and functional apps without writing a single line of code.

These platforms include:

1. No-Code App Builders: 

No-code App builders are drag-and-drop tools that provide non-technical and newbie developers with visual drag-and-drop interfaces for creating mobile apps. 

Most no-code app builders also offer pre-built templates and components that you can easily customize to suit your needs. 

Some popular app builders include:

1. Appy Pie: A no-code app builder that allows you to create apps for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms.

2. Flutterflow.io: This platform offers a wide range of features and designs for building native apps using Flutter.

3. Bubble.io: Used for the Nerdheadz clientele, Bubble.io allows you to create web and mobile apps with a visual programming interface.

Want to discover some projects built by Nerdheadz using No-code app builders? Check here.

2. No-Code Development Platforms: 

No-code development platforms enable you to build complex applications without coding by using visual interfaces and pre-built components. 

These platforms often include features like data integration, user management, and app deployment. 

Some notable options include:

1. OutSystems: A low-code platform that allows you to create apps visually with advanced capabilities.

2. Adalo: Offers a visual builder to create apps for iOS, Android, and web platforms

3. Mendix: Provides a comprehensive no-code platform with extensive customization options.

How To Choose Between A No-Code Development Platform and a No-Code App Builder

A picture showing a table with differences between no-code app builders and no-code development platforms
Differences Between No-Code App Builders and No-Code Development Platforms

The choice between a no-code app builder and a no-code development platform depends on the specific requirements, complexity, and customization needs of your project. 

While app builders are ideal for simpler mobile apps with a focus on speed and ease of use, development platforms can offer more extensive functionality, customization options, and scalability for complex projects.

Discuss with the team at Nerdheadz to discover which is best suited for your No-code app project.

3. WordPress App Builders: 

If you're already familiar with WordPress, you can leverage its ecosystem to create a mobile app without coding. 

WordPress app builders convert your WordPress website into a mobile app by utilizing plugins or online services. 

Examples include:

1. AppPresser: A WordPress plugin that allows you to build iOS and Android apps.

2. MobiLoud: Offers a service to convert WordPress sites into mobile apps.

4. Hybrid App Development:

Hybrid app development frameworks enable you to build apps that work across multiple platforms using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

These frameworks package your web app into a native container, providing access to device features. 

Some popular frameworks are:

1. React Native: Allows you to build native-like apps using JavaScript and React.

2. Flutter: Offers a UI toolkit to build beautiful apps for iOS, Android, and other platforms using Dart.

5. App Prototyping Tools: 

Prototyping tools are useful for creating interactive app prototypes without coding. 

While they may not generate fully functional apps, they can help with visualizing the app's user flows and interactive design. 

Some widely used prototyping tools include:

1. InVision: This enables you to create interactive app prototypes with animations and gestures.

2. Marvel: Provides a simple interface to design and link screens for app prototyping.

6. Template-Based App Builders: 

Template-based app builders offer pre-designed templates that you can customize to create your app. 

These platforms often require minimal or no coding knowledge and allow you to personalize the app's look and feel. 

Notable examples include:

1. BuildFire: Offers a range of templates and features for creating custom apps.

2. AppMachine: Provides a visual interface to design and build apps with pre-built blocks.

Related: 5 best Bubble.io Templates For Your 2023 No-Code Project

7. Spreadsheet-Based App Builders: 

Spreadsheet-based app builders allow you to transform your data in spreadsheets into functional apps. 

You can define relationships, workflows, and app logic using a spreadsheet-like interface. 

Some popular options are:

1. Glide: Converts Google Sheets into apps with interactive components and data sources.

2. AppSheet: This lets you build apps from Google Sheets, Excel, or other data sources.

8. Game Development Platforms: 

If you're interested in creating game no-code apps, game development platforms can help you build games without coding. 

These platforms often provide visual scripting or drag-and-drop interfaces to design your game’s logic. 

Noteworthy platforms to try include:

1. Unity: Offers a powerful game development engine with a visual scripting system called Playmaker.

2. Construct: Provides an intuitive interface

Related: 10 Best No Code App Builders For Your Startup in 2023

6 Steps For Building Your App Without Coding-religiously. Practiced and recommended by Nerdheadz

A picture showing 6 easy steps to build an app without coding - Approved by Nerdheadz
6 Steps For Building An App Without Coding

Step 1: Project Discovery

Nerdheadz starts every no-code app with a project discovery process which often involves holding extensive sessions to understand 

1. The client's business requirements, 

2. App user flows, 

3. The business modus operandi and business process flows, 

4. Customer journey maps and user stories, 

5. Platform roles for multi-platform apps such as CRM and ERP systems and finally 

6. A detailed scope of work.

Building an MVP? Take advantage of Nerdheadz's free project discovery session.

Step 2: Project Strategy Mapping

After the discovery session, to successfully build a no-code app, Nerdheadz follows a standard procedure of: 

1. Budgeting and cost estimation, 

2. Defining the no-code app’s project roadmap,

3. Identifying and defining required pit stops, 

4. Specifying the functionalities and cross-functionality of all features, 

5. Estimating the project timeline and how long each feature should considerably take, and finally 

6. Providing the client with the quotation and offer.

Building a no-code app? Take advantage of Nerdheadz's project strategy session.

Step 3: Designing and Prototyping

This stage involves conceptualizing the user experience and user interface. Nerdheadz’s standard procedure is to:

1. Design the UX/UI (user experience and user interface)

2. Build the wireframes for the no-code web & mobile app,

3. Create prototypes to visualize app flows, 

5. Define the styles, components & brand identity, and finally

6. Create the app’s responsive layouts.

Step 4: Web and Mobile App Development

This stage involves using your choice of no-code app builder as listed above to develop your prototype. 

Nerdheadz uses Bubble.io and Webflow for end-to-end project development following a professional agile framework and using appropriate tools in line with industry-standard practices.

Do you need to build a no-code app? Reach out to the team at Nerdheadz.

Step 5: Quality Assurance (QA) Testing and Project Review

Testing the prototype of your no-code app before publishing it to the market helps you avoid missing out on processes and features that are vital to the project's success.

Nerdheadz prioritizes prototype testing & optimizes for load balance. 

This is often followed by bug detection and fixing, completing required edits, and executing user acceptance tests or UAT before finally handing the no-code project over to the client.

Already building a no-code app yourself? Nerdheadz is happy to help you the rest of the way.  Reach out to the team.

Step 6: Continuous Assessment & Improvements

Since most app projects require progressive updates and security checks, it is advisable to consistently maintain your app systems.

For our clients, Nerdheadz also offers project maintenance and provide continuous development as well as improvements & addition of features to the no-code app when required.

Common Problems You Might Experience With No-Code Apps & How To Fix Them

Although Nerdheadz has significantly worked on solving the problems posed by no-code development for its clientele, it is a good idea to revisit some of these challenges that would normally be encountered by someone interested in no-code development. 

Below are seven common problems you might encounter when building your no-code app, along with three ways Nerdheadz addresses each problem

A picture showing common problems of no-code development
Common Problems of No-Code App Development

Problem 1: Limited Functionality:

36% of respondents cited limited functionality as a challenge when using no-code platforms, according to a survey by QuickBase, 

No-code app builders may exhibit limitations in terms of accessible functionalities, thus restricting your ability to implement complex features or meet specific requirements.

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We explore Third-Party Integrations: 

Nerdheadz utilizes integrations with external services or APIs to extend the functionality of our clients app.

2. We Leverage Custom Code Components: 

Since the team at Nerdheadz also has expertise in custom coding, we explore no-code platforms that allow for the integration of custom code snippets or scripts, enabling us to implement advanced functionality for our clients when needed.

3. We Engage with Platform Community: 

Nerdheadz prioritizes active involvement in the no-code platform's user community and forums to seek advice, share ideas, and learn about workarounds or creative solutions to overcome functionality limitations.

Related: Integrating A.I to Your No-Code App on Bubble.io

Problem 2: App Performance and Scalability Issues:

As your no-code app grows in complexity and user base, you may encounter performance and scalability challenges, leading to slow response times or app instability.

24% of respondents identified performance and scalability as a challenge when using no-code platforms, according to a survey by FileMaker.  

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We optimize Our App Designs For Scale: 

Depending on the client’s requirements, the team at Nerdheadz reviews and optimizes the no-code app's architecture, database structure, and logic to focus on performance and scalability.

2. We utilize Caching and Load Balancing: 

We implement caching mechanisms to store and retrieve frequently accessed data, and consider load balancing techniques to distribute traffic and ensure app scalability.

3. We monitor and optimize resource usage: 

We regularly monitor our client’s app resource consumption, such as memory or database queries, and identify areas best suited for optimization.

Problem 3: Integration Challenges:

Integrating no-code apps with external systems, APIs, or databases often present multiple challenges, such as compatibility issues or limited integration options.

32% of respondents identified integration challenges as a top issue when using no-code platforms, according to studies by Unqork. 

A picture showing a report of 29% from users on no-code difficulties
Integration Challenges In No-Code App Builders

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We Leverage Built-in Integrations:

We use a no-code platform, Bubble.io, that offers pre-built integrations with commonly used systems or services, thus streamlining our integration processes.

2.We utilize API connectors or Webhooks:

Nerdheadz explored our choice of no-code platform's support for API connectors and webhooks, to ensure it can facilitate seamless data exchange and communication with external systems.

3. We consider Middleware Solutions:

We often employ middleware tools or integration platforms to bridge the gap between our client’s no-code app and external systems, providing greater flexibility in integration capabilities.

Related: How Nerdheadz Solves Bubble.io App Security Issues.

Problem 4: Limitations In Design:

No-code app builders often give their users some form of limitations in design flexibility, making it challenging to achieve unique or highly customized visual aesthetics.

According to a survey by OutSystems, 20% of respondents reported design limitations as a challenge when using no-code development platforms.

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We Maximize Customization Options: 

At Nerdheadz, we explore all available branding features within our choice of no-code platform, such as color schemes, typography choices, and layout options, to make the most of the available design flexibility.

2. We Leverage External Design Tools: 

Using external design tools, such as graphic design software and prototyping tools, we create custom visual elements and user interface designs that can be imported into the no-code app builder, Bubble.io.

3. We Built A Team Of Quality Design Professionals: 

Nerdheadz involves highly skilled UX/UI design professionals who can work closely with our clients to refine and enhance the visual aspects of their no-code app.

We focus on making sure it meets their desired aesthetics while retaining industry standards.

Problem 5: Vendor Lock-In:

With no-code platforms, there is a risk of vendor lock-in, where you become heavily dependent on a specific platform, making it challenging to switch or migrate to another platform in the future.

A survey by Kintone revealed that 17% of respondents considered vendor lock-in as a primary concern when using no-code platforms.

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We Evaluate Platform Portability: 

Before committing our client to a specific no-code platform, we assess its portability options, such as its data export capabilities, compatibility with industry standards, and migration support.

2. We Follow Best Practices for Data Management: 

We organize and structure your app's data in a way that is independent of the platform's proprietary features or data models, ensuring easier migration or transition if and when needed.

3. We Stay Abreast of Industry Trends: 

We built a team of members that keep themselves informed about emerging no-code platforms or app builders, advancements in technology, and industry standards, allowing our clients to make informed decisions and potentially explore alternative platforms if and when necessary.

Problem 6: Security Concerns:

15% of respondents expressed security concerns when using no-code platforms, according to a survey by QuickBase

No-code app building can introduce security vulnerabilities if proper security practices and measures were not implemented.

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We follow the Best Security Practices: 

Implement security measures such as user authentication, data encryption, secure API connections, and role-based access control (RBAC).

2. We Update and Patch Our Client’s App Regularly: 

We keep our no-code platform and any integrated components up to date with the latest security patches and updates to address potential vulnerabilities.

3. We Conduct Consistent Security Audits: 

Perform regular security audits or penetration tests to identify and address any security weaknesses or potential risks within your no-code app.

Related: Nerdheadz Partners With Flusk; The Best Bubble.io App Security Agency.

Problem 7: Learning Curves For Complex Apps:

Building complex no-code apps with complex workflows or advanced functionality may demand a steep learning curve for non-technical users to fully grasp the platform's capabilities.

According to a survey by FileMaker, 12% of respondents identified the learning curve for building complex apps as a challenge when using most no-code platforms.

Usually, this can be solved by hiring a no-code Bubble.io agency to help with your projects.

Related: When To Hire A No-code Developer versus a No-code Agency

Some Solutions Nerdheadz Uses For This Include:

1. We Utilize Training Resources: 

The Nerdheadz team are well conversant with available training resources provided by our choice of no-code platform, Bubble.io, such as tutorials, documentation, video guides, and online courses, to enhance team members’ understanding of complex app development.

2. We are engaged with the platform support and community: 

Nerdheadz is well-linked to the platform's support team and we participate in community forums to ask questions, seek guidance, and learn from experienced users who have tackled similar challenges.

Why Startups Should Build Their Minimum Viable Product; From The Perspective of A Project Manager

Related: 5 Best Bubble.io Templates For Your 2023 No-Code Project

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Frequently asked questions

Is it possible to build an app without coding skills in 2024?

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Yes, it is possible to build an app without coding skills in 2024 using no-code platforms like Bubble.io, Adalo, and Webflow. These platforms offer intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop tools that enable users to create functional apps without writing traditional code.

What are the advantages of building an app without coding?

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Building an app without coding offers advantages such as faster development times, reduced costs, accessibility to non-technical users, the ability to prototype and iterate quickly, and empowering entrepreneurs and small businesses to bring their ideas to life independently.

What are the steps involved in building an app without coding knowledge?

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The steps involved in building an app without coding knowledge typically include defining app requirements, choosing a suitable no-code platform, designing the app’s user interface, adding functionality using pre-built components, testing the app for usability and performance, launching the app, and iterating based on user feedback.

How can I ensure the success of my no-code app development project?

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To ensure the success of your no-code app development project, focus on user experience, conduct thorough testing, gather and implement user feedback, leverage available tutorials and support resources from the chosen platform, and stay updated with new features and best practices in no-code app development.