No-code SaaS: Building SaaS Apps For 2024 Without Writing Code

Discover no-code app platforms that are making it easier than ever to build and launch SaaS products without writing any code.
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Top 10 no-code app builders for 2024: Create apps without coding. Simplify development process


In a world driven by technology, the year 2024 promises to be a groundbreaking one for SaaS (Software as a Service) applications. 

But here's the twist: What if you could be a part of this exciting revolution without ever having to write a single line of code? Yes, you read that right! 

In this blog post, we're going to embark on a journey that will take you into the domain of SaaS app development, where the buzzword of the day is "No-Code." 

So, if you're curious about how to build your own SaaS app without the need for coding, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to explore a world where possibilities are limited only by your imagination. 

But first, let's dive into the basics: What is a SaaS company and what are SaaS applications?

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What Is A SaaS Application?

SaaS, short for Software as a Service, is a revolutionary software delivery model that has transformed the way businesses access and utilize applications. 

Unlike traditional software/applications, which require installation and maintenance on individual computers or servers, SaaS applications are hosted in the cloud and accessed through a web browser. 

What this means is that users can access the software from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for complex installations and updates. 

SaaS applications cover a wide range of functions, from customer relationship management (CRM) and project management to communication tools and collaboration platforms. 

They are known for their scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them the preferred choice for businesses of all sizes looking to streamline their operations and stay ahead in today's fast-paced digital world.

Having gained an understanding of SaaS applications, let us now explore the pivotal role of no-code application development in facilitating their widespread adoption.

What Is A No-Code SaaS?

In the early stages of no-code development, the focus primarily centred on creating simple applications. 

However, as no-code development continued to advance, it opened up new possibilities for bringing complex SaaS applications to fruition.

A no-code SaaS app is a software as a service (SaaS) application that is created and deployed using no-code development platforms. 

The no-code approach empowers individuals and organizations to design, develop, and deploy SaaS applications by leveraging intuitive visual interfaces and pre-configured building blocks without the need for traditional coding. 

This eliminated the technical barriers that traditionally limited non-developers from participating in complex software creation.

The democratization of software development via no-code platforms not only expedites the SaaS application development process but also cultivates an environment conducive to creativity and innovation.

It empowers entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses to swiftly and efficiently bring their SaaS apps to life, ultimately transforming the way we approach building SaaS-based businesses.

Related: 10 Best No-Code App (SaaS) Builders For 2024

Popular SaaS Category, Estimated Market Size and 2024 Projections

It is important to note that some categories of SaaS apps are more competitive than others. For example, the CRM market is very competitive, with a number of established players. 

However, there are still opportunities to build new and innovative CRM apps that can compete with the established players.

If you are considering building a no-code SaaS app, we often encourage you to do your research and choose a category that is a good fit for your skills and experience. 

You should also carefully consider the market competition and identify a way to differentiate your app from the existing solutions.

What are the differences between a SaaS, PaaS and an IaaS?

SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS are three different cloud computing service models. 

Each model offers a different level of control and responsibility to you as a customer.

SaaS Model: SaaS stands for Software as a Service 

SaaS Apps are hosted in the cloud and accessed by users over the internet. 

SaaS providers manage all aspects of the application, including the hardware, software, and infrastructure. 

Customers simply need to pay a subscription fee to use the application (while some are free).

Some Examples of SaaS applications include:

PaaS Model: PaaS stands for Platform as a Service. 

PaaS platforms provide developers with the tools and resources they need to build and deploy web applications. 

PaaS providers manage the hardware, software, and infrastructure, so developers/no-code developers can focus on writing code or building front-end systems via visual drag-and-drop editors and structuring databases respectively.

Some Examples of PaaS applications include:

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Google App Engine
  • Azure App Service
  • Heroku

IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service. 

IaaS platforms provide customers with access to computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking. 

Customers can use IaaS resources to build and deploy any type of application. 

Customers are responsible for managing all aspects of their infrastructure, including the operating system, middleware, and applications.

Some Examples of IaaS applications include:

  • AWS EC2
  • Google Compute Engine
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • DigitalOcean
  • Linode

What You Must Know About The SaaS Business Model/Industry

a picture showing handpicked stats and facts about the saas industry
Handpicked Stats and Facts About the SAAS Industry

The SaaS industry is growing rapidly and is expected to reach $357.7 billion in revenue by 2027

This growth is being driven by several factors, including the increasing adoption of cloud computing, the growing popularity of remote work, the ease of building more apps via no-code platforms and the increasing demand for specialized software applications.

Here are some additional things you must know about the SaaS business model:

1. According to a report by Grand View Research in January 2023, the SaaS market is expected to grow by 18.7% in 2024, reaching a global market size of $273.55 billion.

2. The SaaS industry is expected to create 2.3 million new jobs by 2024

3. The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing SaaS market in the world, with a projected annual growth rate of 25% from 2022 to 2024

4. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is resulting in the development of new SaaS applications and the improvement of existing ones.

According to a report by Gartner, by 2025, 80% of new SaaS applications will incorporate AI or ML. 

A survey by Deloitte showed that 63% of SaaS businesses are already using AI or ML in some form, and a study by McKinsey found that AI and ML could increase global SaaS revenues by $1.4 trillion by 2030.

5. The fastest-growing SaaS segments in 2024 are expected to be customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), and human capital management (HCM).

No-Code SaaS Builders: What No-Code App Builders Are Great For Building SaaS Products?


Bubble is a no-code platform that allows you to build web and mobile applications without writing any code.

It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of pre-built components, making it easy to create custom SaaS applications.

Several compelling factors contribute to being the preferred and optimal choice for building SaaS apps at Nerdheadz, including:

1. Scalability: is scalable, meaning that it can handle a large number of users and transactions. 

This makes it a good option for SaaS apps that are expected to grow rapidly. 

2. Flexible Pricing: provides an extensive range of flexibility for application development, offering multiple pricing tiers suitable for crafting a diverse array of applications, including SaaS solutions. 

Pricing options start at $0 for exploring Bubble and encompass valuable features such as API connectors, a component library, a single app editor, up to 50,000 workload units per month, and access to six hours of server logs.

3. User roles and permissions: allows you to create extensive user roles and permissions, so you can control who has access to different parts of your SaaS app. 

4. Subscription management: offers built-in subscription management features, so you can easily charge your customers for access to your SaaS app. 

5. API integration: allows you to integrate your SaaS app with other APIs. 

This means that you can connect your SaaS app to other popular SaaS applications, such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Google Workspace as well as AI and ML plugins.

Related: How To Build SaaS Apps On Building the Perfect Project on Bubble

B. Webflow: 

Webflow is a no-code platform that allows you to build and design responsive websites without writing any code. 

It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of pre-built components, making it easy to create custom SaaS websites.

Here are some of the unique advantages that make Webflow suitable for building SaaS apps:

1. Flexibility: 

Webflow offers a great deal of flexibility when it comes to building SaaS apps. 

You can use Webflow to build a wide variety of SaaS apps, from simple landing pages to complex e-commerce platforms.

2. Scalability: 

Webflow is scalable, meaning that it can handle a large number of users and transactions. 

This makes it a good option for SaaS apps that are expected to grow rapidly.

3. Design freedom: 

Webflow gives you complete control over the design of your SaaS app. 

You can use Webflow to create a custom design that is tailored to your specific needs and branding.


Zapier is a no-code automation platform that can be used to connect different SaaS applications together. 

This can be used to automate tasks and workflows and to create custom SaaS applications that integrate with other popular SaaS applications.


Airtable is a spreadsheet-database hybrid platform that can be used to create a variety of SaaS applications, including CRM software, project management software, and helpdesk software.


Glide is a no-code platform that allows you to create mobile apps without writing any code. 

It offers a drag-and-drop interface and a variety of pre-built components, making it easy to create custom SaaS mobile apps.

Step-by-Step Approach For Building Your No-Code SaaS App-by Nerdheadz

A picture showing an estimate of $187 billion in the global no-code saas market by 2030
Global no-code Saas market expected to reach $187 billion by the year 2030

Once you’re done picking your preferred choice of no-code platform (we recommend using, to build a successful no-code SaaS app, you must follow the steps below religiously:

Step 1: Define your product idea. 

In this step, you should aim to answer questions like, 

What kind of SaaS app do I want to build? 

What problem does my SaaS app solve? 

Who is my target customer? 

Once you have a clear understanding of your product idea, you can start to develop a plan for building it.

Step 2: Design your SaaS app. 

This is where you will start to work on the user interface and user experience (UX/UI) of your app. 

What features will your SaaS app have? 

How will users navigate through your app? 

For this stage, Nerdheadz uses dedicated UX/UI designers who are highly skilled at designing functional apps for users across diverse industries

However, you can also use's visual editor to design your app without writing any code.

Step 3: Build your app. 

Once you have designed your app, you can start to build it using's drag-and-drop interface. offers a variety of pre-built components and templates that you can use to build your Saas app quickly and easily.

Step 4: Test your app. 

Once you have built your app, it is important to test it thoroughly to make sure that it works as expected. 

You can test your app by creating user accounts and interacting with the app as if you were a real user.

Step 5: Launch your app. 

Once you are satisfied with your app, you can launch it to the public. makes it easy to deploy your app to a production environment.

Related: How to Find Early Adopters For Your SaaS Startup Project.

Need A Path To Profit? Here Are Some Basic SaaS Pricing Models You Can Use

A picure with white text showing the popular saas pricing model used by companies
Popular SAAS pricing model

1. Flat-rate pricing model: 

Flat-rate pricing is the simplest SaaS pricing model. 

You charge customers a fixed monthly or annual fee for access to your SaaS app. 

This pricing model is easy to understand and manage, but it can be difficult to scale if you have a variety of features or usage levels.

Canva is a graphic design SaaS that offers a flat-rate pricing model for its Pro version. 

Subscribers pay a fixed monthly or annual fee to access premium features, templates, and design tools.

Flat-rate pricing is the third most popular SaaS pricing model, with 21% of SaaS companies using it.

2. Tiered pricing: 

Tiered pricing involves offering different pricing tiers with different features and benefits. 

This pricing model allows you to offer a variety of price points to appeal to different customers. 

It also allows you to upsell and cross-sell customers to higher tiers.

An example is Stripe, a popular SaaS app that allows businesses to accept online payments. 

Stripe offers a variety of pricing tiers, with different features and benefits. The pricing tiers start at 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction.

Tiered pricing is the second most popular SaaS pricing model, with 28% of SaaS companies using it.

3. Usage-based pricing: 

Usage-based pricing charges customers based on how much they use your SaaS app. 

This pricing model is good for businesses with products that are used at different levels, such as a cloud storage service or an email marketing platform.

Twilio, a platform that provides cloud communications APIs for voice, video, and messaging is a classic example of the usage-based pricing model.

Customers are often billed based on the number of messages, minutes, or data they use on the platform.

4. Per-user pricing: 

Per-user pricing charges customers based on the number of users who have access to your SaaS app. 

This pricing model is good for businesses with products that are used by teams or organizations.

For example, Slack, a widely used no-code application designed for team communication provides both free and paid subscription options and offers four distinct paid plans, each tailored to meet different needs and preferences. 

The 'Pro' plan is priced at $7.25 per user per month, the 'Business+' plan costs $12.50 per user per month, and for large enterprises, there's the 'Enterprise Grid' plan, for which pricing details can be obtained by contacting Slack directly.

5. Freemium pricing: 

Freemium pricing offers a basic version of your no-code SaaS app for free, with paid plans for premium features or higher usage levels. 

This pricing model is good for attracting new customers and generating leads. It can also be used to upsell and cross-sell customers to paid plans.

An example is Trello, a popular no-code app for project management. Trello offers a free plan with limited features, such as task boards, lists, and due dates, and paid plans starting at $10 per user per month. 

Its paid plans offer more features, such as custom fields, advanced reporting, and integrations with other apps.

In addition to these basic pricing models, there are a number of other SaaS pricing models that you can use, such as:

6. Hybrid pricing: 

Hybrid pricing combines two or more different pricing models. 

For example, you could offer a tiered pricing model with usage-based pricing for certain features.

7. Volume pricing: 

Volume pricing offers discounts to customers who purchase a certain number of users or seats. 

This pricing model is good for businesses that want to attract large customers.

8. Subscription pricing: 

Subscription pricing charges customers a recurring fee for access to your SaaS app. 

This pricing model is good for businesses with products that are used regularly.

Some No-Code SaaS Companies Built Without Coding on


With extensive expertise in the transport management sector, Dispatch Trux approached the Nerdheadz team for a no-code solution aimed at assisting small-sized trucking companies in simplifying their logistics processes and facilitating their transition into larger fleets and departments.


Recognizing the need for a scalable system serving multiple businesses and a need for adaptive/pay-as-you-use pricing, Nerdheadz designed an intuitive SaaS tool on 

The dispatch trux SaaS tool includes an enterprise resource planning (ERP) and a customer relationship management (CRM) system for efficient order management, team coordination, truck dispatch, maintenance scheduling, financial analytics, and payroll management. 

Furthermore, it incorporates a tiered membership system that allows small trucking businesses to access essential resources required for their growth prior to expanding."

Related: Step-by-Step: How To Build The Perfect Project on


Incomee is a cloud-based no-code SaaS tool for invoicing, that allows users to create and send invoices, track payments, and manage their expenses. 

It is a popular choice for freelancers and small businesses, as it is easy to use and affordable.

Why You Should Build Your SaaS App with a Bubble Agency Like Nerdheadz

To accelerate the introduction of your no-code SaaS products to the market, Nerdheadz follows a standard project practice that encompasses:

1. Agile Methodologies:

At Nerdheadz, we recognize the significance of beginning your no-code SaaS app development journey with a simplified MVP (minimum viable product). 

Rather than attempting to build all the features of your dream app at once, we take an incremental approach. 

The average SaaS MVP has 3 features, and the most successful SaaS MVPs have between 1 and 5 features based on a survey of over 1,000 SaaS companies by Product Plan

Initially, we create a streamlined version of your app, focusing solely on its core functionalities. 

Once your MVP is launched, you can progressively incorporate new features and enhancements based on valuable feedback from your users.

Related: 6 Steps To Kickstart Your SaaS App Idea With A No-Code MVP

2. Expansion & Scalability Focus:

We design your no-code Saas app architecture with scalability in mind, ensuring that it can grow seamlessly as your user base expands. 

This scalability minimizes disruptions and allows your app to accommodate increased usage effortlessly.

According to a report by CB Insights, the average SaaS MVP is launched with 100 users, and the most successful SaaS MVPs are launched with between 50 and 200 users.

Related: The Role of UX Design In No-Code Startups

3. Hourly Rate Pricing Model:

Our hourly rate pricing model allows you to introduce your project to the market at a cost-effective rate. 

Nerdheadz employs a transparent time-tracking system, enabling you to monitor the time invested by our team members in developing your MVP. 

This transparency ensures that you have a clear understanding of the resources allocated to your project.

4. Prioritized Feedback Mechanism:

At Nerdheadz, we prioritize the collection of feedback from potential users and early adopters. 

After crafting a prototype of your no-code SaaS app, we collaborate to gather insights from users. 

This feedback process is instrumental in refining your app both before and after its public launch.

5. Comprehensive Testing: 

We conduct rigorous testing, including usability testing, performance testing, and security testing, to ensure your no-code Saas app is robust, secure, and user-friendly from day one.

Related: The Importance Of QA Testing To Deploying Top-Notch No-code Apps

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Frequently asked questions

Can I build a SaaS app in 2024 without writing code?

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Yes, no-code development platforms have matured significantly, making it possible to build complex SaaS applications without traditional coding. These platforms offer drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built components, and functionalities specifically designed for SaaS development needs like user management, subscriptions, and data security.

Is no-code the future of SaaS development in 2024?

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No-code is a powerful tool for SaaS development in 2024. It allows more people to build SaaS products without coding expertise. However, no-code is unlikely to replace traditional coding entirely. The best approach might involve a hybrid solution, leveraging no-code for core functionalities and custom coding for highly specific needs.

What is no-code SaaS development?

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No-code SaaS development involves creating Software as a Service (SaaS) applications using no-code platforms. These platforms provide visual interfaces and pre-built components, allowing users to build, deploy, and manage SaaS apps without writing traditional code.

What are some popular no-code platforms for building SaaS apps in 2024?

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Some popular no-code platforms for building SaaS apps in 2024 include, Adalo, Webflow, Glide, and OutSystems. These platforms provide a range of tools and functionalities that enable users to create powerful and scalable SaaS applications without writing code.